Saturday, February 25, 2012

2. Supreme Court reviews Stolen Valor Act

Read The Washington Post article here.

This article states that the Supreme Court will be deciding whether the Stolen Valor Act, incriminating false military honors, is unconstitutional. Many believe this will be a tough case because of where the First Amendment may draw the line. Is lying protected by free speech? Decided by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement and speech integral to criminal conduct fall outside of First Amendment protection. This article is worth reading because it gives us a reminder of how our freedom of speech may be limited and it is important for us as American citizens to be aware of our rights. Therefore Supreme Court's decision is relevant to me and effects what I am able to do legally. 

I chose to blog about this article because it tied in perfectly with Ch. 2 of AM GOV textbook. This case demonstrated how the Supreme Court exercises judicial review made possible by Marbury v. Madison.  Freedom of speech is something our country is proud of and our citizens are thankful of. It will be interesting to see how the different interpretations of the Constitution will define our rights. 

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